Parbriz de motocicleta pentru o MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200 NTX
2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
Tip: touring
Înălţime: 65 cm
Înălţime: 49 cm
Grosime: 4 sau 5 mm
I heartily recommend it!
+ price and shipping time<br /> + good quality<br /> + touring shape<br /> 5 stars - again love my STELVIO 1200 NTX
Stelvio 1200 NTX tall screen.
Much better than the stock screen, and the price is fair. It’s pretty much the perfect screen for the Stelvio. Better protection from wind and it looks pretty good.
Great windshield.
Excellent high windshield and simple to mounting. Superb service, great site !!!
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