Honda CB 600 F HORNET 2011-2015 - Touring Parbriz
Parbriz înalt pentru motociclete de turism
Honda CB 600 F
2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015
Parbriz de turism / parbriz înalt
HONDA CB 600 F HORNET 2011-2015
Tip: touring
Înălţime: 42 cm
Grosime: 3 mm
Kit de montare: inclus
- protecție mai bună împotriva vântului
- forma de turism scade influența fluxului de aer asupra corpului motociclistului
- include kit de montare complet dedicat (nu universal), ușor de instalat, se potrivește perfect cu bicicleta ta
- asamblarea nu necesita gaurire sau alte modificari
- este realizat din sticla acrilica durabila, grosime de trei milimetri, rezistenta la zgarieturi si fisuri
- disponibil in 5 culori: transparent, afumat deschis, afumat inchis, maro deschis, negru solid
Categorie: Parbriz dedicate motocicletei
Good option for Hornet touring :)
Blocks 100% wind! Ride is now very smooth and wind doesn't hit my chest and head - no wind buffeting. Prefect height to protect from the wind.
I’m very happy with the purchase.
I definitely recommend this product to anyone looking for a nice aftermarket windscreen. Smooth all the way around. Product also arrived very fast!
Surprising good windscreen.
Must have on a naked bike. It has a massive influance for ride, higher top speed and less fighting with wind on high speeds. Seems to be solid and it helps a lot with airflow. Stunning price, I enjoy a lot my bike's new look.
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