Honda CB 500 F 2016-2018 - Touring Parbriz
Parbriz înalt pentru motociclete de turism
2016 / 2017 / 2018
Parbriz de turism / parbriz înalt
HONDA CB 500 F 2016-2018
Tip: touring / naked
Înălţime: 35 cm
Lăţime: 30 cm
Grosime: 3 mm
Kit de montare: inclus
- protecție mai bună împotriva vântului
- forma de turism scade influența fluxului de aer asupra corpului motociclistului
- include kit de montare complet dedicat (nu universal), ușor de instalat, se potrivește perfect cu bicicleta ta
- asamblarea nu necesită găurire sau alte modificări
- este fabricat din sticla acrilica durabila, cu o grosime de trei milimetri, care este rezistenta la zgarieturi si fisuri
- disponibil in 5 culori: transparent, afumat deschis, afumat inchis, maro deschis, negru solid
Categorie: Parbriz dedicate motocicletei
Deflector must have
This windscreen is great but a little short, recommend buy deflector too and then is perfect wind blocker even in cold days :)
Windshield exactly what I needed
This windscreen was so easy to install. I'm very happy that I bought it. This screen makes riding the HONDA so much more fun because I can finally ride without my head being rattled around in the wind.
Nice windscreen.
I wanted something to help keep the wind off of my chest and body while riding. This windscreen does it, plus makes the front end of the bike look a lot better. Delivery and installation was quick and problemless.
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