general questions

How can I order a product?
In order to make a purchase in our store, firstly, create an account on the website, then select the product that interests you. After selecting a product, you should confirm the order and complete the data.
How can I pay for the order?
After selecting the product and completing the data to which the product is to be delivered, you will be taken to the payment page, where you can choose one of the three payment methods. The first payment method is via PayPal, the second one is via credit / debit card and the third one is bank transfer.
How can I cancel or modify my order?
In order to modify or cancel the order in our store, please inform the store's service by fulfilling the contact form which you will find in the "Contact" tab on our website. The cancellation, however, is possible only before receiving the message about the start of the order.
What if I haven't received an e-mail order confirmation?
If the confirmation message is not sent, it means that we currently do not have the selected product in stock.
How can I make a complaint?
If something you ordered hasn’t arrived or you have received a damaged product, please contact our store’s service using the contact form to describe the problem, then our complaint department, after considering the case, will give you appropriate instructions on what to do next.
How my order is delivered?
Our store uses the services of the DPD courier company and Poczta Polska (priority post parcel). The choice of delivery method depends on the country to which the order is to be sent: DPD courier - European Union territories, Poczta Polska (priority post parcel) - outside the European Union.
How the shipment works?
Once the order is completed (with the needed data) and the payment is received, we start the shipping procedure. We pack the selected motorcycle windscreen or wind deflector and send it the Buyer by courier or post office.
How long do I have to wait for my order?
It depends on how long the payment will be realized and how far the place to which the product is to be delivered is located. Usually, packages are delivered within 4 to 15 working days from receiving the confirmed payment.
What if I do not pick up the package?
In case the package is not picked up by the Buyer, it will go to the pick-up point. However, if it is not picked up from the special point, the package will be returned to our office address at the Buyer's expense.
How can I check if my package has been sent and where it is?
After sending the package, you will receive a message with information when the package was sent and the special "tracking number" that will allow you to locate your package.
On what basis are the prices of our products determined?
The prices of our products are set on the basis of the value of sales tax we have to pay and the production price of a given product.
Why does shipping cost so much?
There are many variables that affect the cost of shipping, among others, it depends on the distance the package has to travel and the dimensions of a given windscreen.
Can I change the date of shipment delivery?
Changing the date of delivery is only possible before the order is started.

Motorcycle windshields

How to choose the right motorcycle windscreen?
We choose the motorcycle screen according to the brand, model and year of production of the motorcycle (if it has a windscreen as standard). Motorcycle screen models can be divided into three types:
  • touring - much higher than standard and profiled upwards to ensure maximum protection for the rider in an upright position;
  • racing - is a double bubble type of windscreen that provides protection in the riding position on a sport motorcycle;
  • naked - designed for motorcycles that do not have windscreens as standard. It should also be remembered that besides the comfort and safety of the driver which is the most important, it is worth to take care of an aesthetic appearance of our motorcycle by choosing the appropriate type and color of the windshield.
When should I decide to install a motorcycle windshield?
Some models of motorcycles do not have windshields - these include the type of naked motorcycles. There is no obligation to mount a windscreen into them. However, every rider knows that over longer distances, noise and air rush become so bothersome that riding a motorcycle is no longer a pleasure. It is then worth considering the installation of a universal windscreen. For these models, we propose universal windscreens which can be installed to the headlight or steering wheel.
What height should the motorcycle windscreen have?
Each windscreen should always provide an adequate protection for the rider and passenger as well. In addition, safety is equally important. The motorcyclist should be provided with an appropriate observation of the traffic situation. The right windscreen should always be a convenience, never an obstacle. When choosing a windscreen, it should also be remembered that its upper edge cannot be located exactly at the level of the motorcyclist's eyesight.
Standard or touring motorcycle screen? Which one to choose?
The low, standard windshield is not able to provide the motorcyclist with an adequate protection from air pressure and persistent noise. Low, standard windscreens are designed only to provide an adequate motorcycle performance, low fuel consumption and an interesting appearance. There are two types of motorcyclists - some of them focus on the nice appearance and decide rather on a low windscreen in the right color, however, for others the maximum comfort of travelling is more important and they usually choose a high windshield, often in combination with a wind deflector. All our motorcycle screens are designed to provide maximum protection and comfort during travelling while maintaining a modern and original design that matches every motorcycle. The choice of the right motorcycle windshield always depends on the rider – not only his physical conditions but also the expectations that, as a manufacturer of motorcycle windscreens, we try to meet.
What conditions should a motorcycle windscreen fulfill?
First of all, it should ensure safety – it has to protect the rider from air pressure. It should also reduce noise and excessive noise in the helmet. The right windscreen must also provide a good visibility. Each motorcycle windscreen can be an attractive addition and should harmonize with the overall appearance of the motorcycle as well.
What material are the windshields made of?
Motorcycle screens are made of PMMA - poly (methyl methacrylate). It is a plastic material specially intended for the creation of motorcycle windscreens.
How to clean a motorcycle windscreen?
If the windscreen is heavily soiled by insects or mud, wet it several times with cold water. After that, you can proceed to cleaning. To do this, choose microfiber cloths - they are delicate and leave no streaks or scratches. We do not recommend the use of chemicals because the reaction to them cannot be predicted. It should also be remembered that improper cleaning may cause damages.
Can a motorcycle windshield be polished?
We do not recommend polishing our products. Such a procedure may damage the outer coating and irreversibly tarnish the windshield.
Can I make additional holes in the windshield (e.g. in order to mount the wind deflector)?
Performing additional modifications on your own will void the warranty. All wind deflectors in our offer contain specially designed attachments that do not require any interference in the structure of the windscreen during assembly.
Do you manufacture windscreens for individual orders?
In some cases, it is possible to produce the windshield to size specified by the customer. In particular, it concerns touring windscreens and windscreens for chopper motorbikes. Such an order is priced individually after the conditions have been agreed and approved by the client.
Is the mounting kit included in the motorcycle windscreen price?
Yes, the mounting kit is included in the price (only when required and only if such information was included in the advertisement).
Do I need to buy new mounting screws?
It is not necessary. If the current screws by which the windshield is fitted are in a good condition, you do not need to buy new ones.
When to use the motorcycle wind deflector?
The wind deflector should be used when the windshield alone is not enough to protect the rider and passenger. While riding at higher speeds, usually above 90 km / h, there becomes an additional discomfort in the form of, e.g. troublesome turbulence or noise in the helmet. Installing the wind deflector allows you to significantly reduce or overcome the impact of this type of phenomena. The deflector is a great solution when choosing a motorcycle on longer trips, because it significantly increases comfort and reduces the impact of external factors. It can be mounted without making holes in the windscreen and dismantled at any time (with an Allen key). Motorcycle wind deflectors work very well in both: sports and touring motorcycles. They can be also installed in chopper motorcycles if the windshield is too low. The "" company currently has the largest selection of wind deflectors on the international market, we are able to match the wind deflector to virtually any type of windshield.