Touring alto moto parabrezza / cupolino
2007 / 2008 / 2009
Genere: touring
Altezza: 43 cm
Larghezza: 34 cm
Spessore: 3 mm
Kit di fissaggio: incluso
Categoria: Parabrezza dedicati per moto
Top sort screen for Z 100
Powerful motorcycles gives a lot of fun for rider but every longer way is enough tired to put this beast in to garage and just lay down on bed. Here I found solution how to ride more and won't getting tired so fast. Let's face it, price has also played a big role, if someone like me wanted to try some windscreen but before it have never used one and wasn't sure really needed it. As it turned out it is a very good product and worth buying, I enjoy a lot now with my Kawasaki.
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