Motorrad touring Windschild / Scheibe
2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 /
2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011
Art: touring
Höhe: 37 cm
Material: 3 mm
Montagesatz: Inbegriffen
Kategorie: Motorrad-Windschilder
Besondere Bestellnummern
High quality touring screen
I can feel difference now with this screen, ride is more pleasure when you just cover the next kilometers on highway. Quality seems to be on highest level, worth buying definitely.
A bit bigger
Just received the Yamaha MT-01 black windscreeen. Its a beauty !!<br /> Mounting is not on the handlebar but like the small flyscreen on the mounting points of the headlight. And they ship super fast, received it in 6 days !!
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